

Several utilities are provided which will help you maintain the timetable.



Analisis Jadual Waktu


You can do an analysis of the timetable (e.g. how many teaching period, frequency of 1st period) for each lecturer using ANALISIS JW. You have some freedom in deciding what you want to analyze. The result will be kept in the file UtiAnal.TXT. You might have to wait awhile though.



Agihan Subjek


You can generate the frequency distribution of subjects taught for each class from the Terima.DAT. This information will be kept in UtiAgih.TXT.



Sunting Waktu


This routine will enable you to completely empty the contents of a range of cells (time) for the class you specify. By doing so, these slots will not have room names or symbols for free periods.



Sunting Kumpulan


This routine will enable you to either increase or decrease a number of class in a timetable. Changes are only made in the Terima.DAT, you must make appropriate adjustments to the Kumbilik.TXT and the Arahan.TXT (especially the class codes).



Uji Pertembungan


This routine will test the entire timetable (Terima.DAT, Arahan 9,12 and 15) for clashes in lecturer and clashes in rooms. Be prepared to wait a while to get the file UtiTemb.TXT. Specifically it will perform the following tasks:


  • Checks if all the lecturers defined in Guru.TXT are timetabled.

Checks if all lecturers in timetable are defined in Guru.TXT. [to detect spelling mistakes, lecturers transferred but still in appearing timetable, new lecturers in timetable but yet to be defined]


  • Checks if all the subjects in Subjek.TXT are timetabled. Checks if all subjects in timetable are defined in Subjek.TXT. (Arahan 9 and 15 will not be checked)


  • Checks if all the rooms in Kumbilik.TXT are timetabled (if defined). Checks if all rooms in timetable are defined in Kumbilik.TXT (Arahan 9, and 15 with no reference to normal timetable periods will not be checked)


  • Checks if references made for electives in Arahan 12 match with that found in Terima.DAT and vice versa.


  • Selects data slot by slot from Terima.DAT and checks for Arahan 1 - 10. Data with one or more failed conditions will generate detailed error message (the Arahan line(s) which failed). A room clash check is also made (Arahan 9 and Arahan 15 with no reference to normal timetable periods will not be checked).


There is a little problem when checks are made for blocks (fixed and non fixed). How does the program know the groups for a particular block ? You might have already changed the structure of your blocks, thus making the reference in Makasas.TXT invalid.


This routine attempts to overcome this problem by using the Makasas.TXT as the file containing block definitions and this information is transferred to Blok.DAT if no Blok.DAT is found or else the existing Blok.DAT is used as the definition. The references are checked with Terima.DAT. A warning is given is discrepancy is found and you will be allowed to modify Blok.DAT before continuing. A separate file, Tetap.DAT is created for fixed data.


Use this routine when you finish doing your changes. You will be surprised how easily you can miss clashes because of ignoring Arahan 9 and Arahan 15 (if relevant). You might also want to use this routine if you inherit a messed up timetable.



Tarikh pada JW


There is a little problem when checks are made for blocks (fixed and non fixed). How does the program know the groups for a particular block ? You might have already changed the structure of your blocks, thus making the reference in Makasas.TXT invalid.


This routine attempts to overcome this problem by using the Makasas.TXT as the file containing block definitions and this information is transferred to Blok.DAT if no Blok.DAT is found or else the existing Blok.DAT is used as the definition.


This routine is used to stamp the current date at the bottom of the Terima.DAT. You normally do so after making changes to the timetable.



Bilangan Slot Kosong

You can generate the number of free periods for each period of the week. This information is kept in UtiFree.TXT.